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The 2018 New Zealand eHealth hot top 20

17 December 2018
By Kate McDonald

The trials and tribulations of Orion Health as it made the tough decision to sell off the crown jewels that is its Rhapsody integration engine featured strongly on this year's list of NZ's top 20 most-read stories, with the problems besetting the National Oracle Solution and the National Screening Solution also dominating the list.

An abortive attempt by software vendors to draw the Privacy Commissioner's eye on ProCare's new database was also high on the list, as was the decision by the four Northern DHBs to go to market for a new health information platform, which has dislodged the northern EHR as the favoured way to join up information in the most populous part of the country.

There were also changes to the Ministry of Health, a change of name for the national EHR and an outline of NZ's roadmap towards health sector interoperability.

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