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Australian Digital Health

Australian Digital Health

All the latest industry news and views from Australia’s digital health community.

22 May 2012 |

Dr Pat gears up to launch PAT for doctors

Bundaberg GP Patrick Byrnes is gearing up to launch his new Patient Assistance Tool (PAT) for chronic disease management in…
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22 May 2012 |

Medicare Locals key to eHealth adoption: AML Alliance

The newly elected chair of the Australian Medicare Local Alliance (AML Alliance) transitional board, Arn Sprogis, has called on the…
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21 May 2012 |

Why the axe fell on HealthSMART

The Victorian government has put an end to the troubled HealthSMART program, citing cost overruns and lengthy delays in implementation…
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18 May 2012 |

$50m extra for PCEHR implementation

The federal government has allocated an extra $50 million over two years to assist Medicare Locals to help GPs use…
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18 May 2012 |

MSIA: The eHealth paradigm and the PCEHR

This article first appeared in the May 2012 edition of Pulse+IT Magazine. The 2008 National eHealth Strategy set out a…
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18 May 2012 |

Healthways trials mobile glucometer

HCF and telephone health counselling provider Healthways Australia have partnered to trial the use of a Bluetooth-enabled glucometer to improve…
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16 May 2012 |

MD3 and PracSoft training sessions for Queensland

Health Communication Network (HCN) is holding a series of training sessions for users of Medical Director 3 and PracSoft in…
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16 May 2012 |

Call for committee nominations for HISA NSW

The NSW branch of the Health Informatics Society of Australia has called for nominations to join its branch committee. Nominees…
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15 May 2012 |

InterSystems gets active with HealthShare

InterSystems has extended its HealthShare strategic informatics platform, adding patented new technology called iKnow that allows users to retrieve and…
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15 May 2012 |

Healthbank upgrades telehealth service, sets sights on expansion

Clinical software and telehealth developer Healthbank has released an upgrade to its Healthbank Consult telehealth service, and is now intent…
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