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International health IT week in review: September 22

22 September 2019
By Kate McDonald

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT news for the week ending September 22: PACS on the open internet, DeepMind staff join Google Health, digital health IPOs unsustainable, AI for dermatology, Amazon's pharmacy venture, machine learning for heart failure, $200m for digital pharmacy, information blocking, positive results for VA telehealth, cybercrims stealing admin credentials

Millions of Americans’ medical images and data are available on the internet
ProPublica ~ Jack Gillum, Jeff Kao and Jeff Larson ~ 17/09/2019

Medical images and health data belonging to millions of Americans, including X-rays, MRIs and CT scans, are sitting unprotected on the internet and available to anyone with basic computer expertise.

Is digital health in an investment bubble?
MedCity News ~ Arundhati Parmar ~ 18/09/2019

Three VCs from New York, Michigan and California all agreed that valuations in digital health are unsustainable.

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