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International health IT week in review: March 31

31 March 2019
By Kate McDonald

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT news for the week ending March 31: US HHS interoperability rules, Amazon active in image analysis, Israel's digital health system, AI in the real health world, digital health in east Africa, big pharma's digital options, secure messaging medications, sleep app on the NHS, phishing in Oregon, security of cardiac devices

Industry voices concerns about proposed HHS interoperability rules
Health Data Management ~ Greg Slabodkin ~ 27/03/2019

Making electronic health information accessible to patients and providers is the goal of two proposed Department of Health and Human Services rules. However, stakeholders question whether the aims are achievable as currently written.

Amazon is turning its controversial Rekognition software to medical image redaction
MedCity News ~ Kevin Truong ~ 22/03/2019

Amazon has demonstrated the ability to combine its Comprehend Medical software service with its Rekognition image analysis to help automate medical image de-identification.

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