Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT news for the week ending February 24: Facebook faces health privacy complaint, scripts faxed to hotel, sharing Google health search data, AI good behaviour, US ONC proposed rule on FHIR, HIMSS level 7 satisfies, doctors emailing patients, privacy and security risks top health IT concerns
Congress scrutinizes Facebook health data privacy complaint
Healthcare Info Security ~ Marianne Kolbasuk McGee ~ 20/02/2019
That complaint also called attention to an incident when a security researcher was able to download the names and other personal information of over 10,000 cancer patients who were participating in a Facebook health group.
Prescription information ‘accidentally faxed’ to hotel group
Digital Health News ~ Andrea Downey ~ 19/02/2019
The PSNC reported faxes had come from GP practices and community pharmacies across the country and included dispensing tokens and requests for medication.