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International health IT week in review: December 6

6 December 2020
By Kate McDonald

Pulse+IT's weekly round-up of international health IT news for the week ending December 6: Germany's digital transformation, dawn of digital medicine, phishing vaccine cold chain, pyjama time charting, Japanese doctors go digital, consult prep tool for patients, standardising patient addresses, linking vaccination records, Fitbit predicts COVID onset, rapid hospital at home

Want to see the future of digital health tools? Look to Germany.
Harvard Business Review ~ Ariel D Stern ~ 02/12/2020

In late 2019, Germany’s parliament passed the Digital Healthcare Act (Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz, or DVG) — an ambitious law designed to catalyze the digital transformation of the German health care system.

The dawn of digital medicine
The Economist ~ Staff writer ~ 02/12/2020

The pandemic is ushering in the next trillion-dollar industry.

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